Friday, January 1, 2010

Obama Executive Order 12425 signs away American Bill of Right grants foreign Police full immunity: brought to you by Two-Face Obama

So now that Obama's buffoon Janet Incompetano & the bumbling (Obama worshipping) Dutch government allowed a known terrorist to board a plane with no passport and a bomb, Obama has rewarded the "world police" by stripping Americans of all our rights. Strange but true on December 17th 2009 Obama signed an executive order allowing Interpol complete operational authority and Diplomatic Immunity for any of their actions on US soil. Typical of the two faced Obama policy; say one thing then immediately do the opposite. In this case Obama claims that the Bush Adominstration was arrogant and destructive of personal liberty and privacy rights then Obama simply signs away all of our rights under the Constitution to corrupt foreign powers. Obama has a messianic complex that's getting worse everyday. This is understandable since his mentor George Soros has one too...Soros believes in a world unfettered by individual rights and individual liberties protected by the US Constitution.

Here's the story on Obama's order, check it out here

Simply put this means that any Interpol personel can do ANYTHING in the US, violate all search and seizure laws, violate all rights to an attorney, all rights to privacy, proerty, physical abuse and even full immunity should they shoot or kill anyone in America. For those who think European Justice is better than the US consider that German Police are unconstrained and are never subject to police brutality charges, Turkish Police reguarly torture captives and use extreme and deadly & coercive policing methods to punish control, French Prisons are known for their brutal conditions and unrestricted Special Police Forces. Obama and the buffoons like Nepolitano know that granting Interpol theright to violate the rights of US citizens and legal residents inside the US won't do a single thing to protect us from terrorists or globe trotting super villians (like Soros for example) what it will do is serve to promote the disintigration of US sovereignty.

In Europe despite what many liberals think there is no Right to Free Speech, no presumption of innocence, no Right to a Jury Trial and the list of abuses goes on. What Obama's order means is that Americans can be tried tortured and executed byany Interpol operative if the desire or whim hits them and if they make a mistake Obama has sweetened the deal: Obama has exempted Intrerpol in the US from any Freedom of Information Requests.

All this from a President and Democratic Party who continue to denounce the Bush Administration as "torturing" terrorists by water boarding them. Is this change you can believe in?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interpol is an international (oooohhh, scary, bugga bugga bugga!) police agency whose primary purpose is to combat international crime, such as terrorism and drug trafficking. Essentially, they work to build cooperation between police and intelligence agencies in different countries to pool their resources efficiently and within the bounds of their respective laws. You see, if there's a terrorist cell operating in, say, Budapest, and they're trafficking heroin to Ireland to support attacks against Americans in Spain (this is hypothetical, not real, as in, just an example to illuminate what they really do), the respective police departments haven't the resources or regional jurisdiction to investigate and pursue this ring, so Interpol is used to fill the gaps. That's what they do, juggle the various state interests, politics, and laws so that individual police departments don't have to have resident experts on the laws of 188 other countries.

As for the "immunity" you claim they get, you're simply misreading the language. They don't get to simply arrest someone without charge, detain them forever on some offshore island, and torture them. Since Interpol (contrary to the movies), doesn't actually arrest people (the police/intelligence agencies they work with do), I don't think there's a person anywhere in the U.S. not associated with international fraud, drug trafficking, human trafficking, or terrorism that has anything to worry about.

You know, not all things "international" are bad, Interpol being a good example. Here's an organization that works to stop human trafficking, probably the greatest evil in the world, and takes NO credit for the effort, instead handing over the glory to a state's police department. They provide the intelligence and cooperation of other state's agencies to bring a lot of really really bad people to justice.

Also, EO12425 provides immunity from intelligence requests by various agencies and groups within the U.S., not unlawful activity within Interpol. Reagan, once again proving his stupidity, hampered the efforts of law agencies to work with Interpol because their intel was subjected to summary review by CIA, FBI, NSA, whomever, and U.S. citizens committing serious crimes were often never pursued as a result. Think of all the fraud cases that have come up over the past ten years that involve schemes that started back in the 1980's and you'll see the connection between those and the weakening of U.S. respecting Interpol's mission. Just food for thought.