Saturday, January 2, 2010

Boss Tweed and Sacramento's Tammany Hall

Boss Tweed would sure be proud of his many bastards roaming the halls of State & Federal "gubment" these days. The latest jaw dropping union back room payout was gratis of none other than the notorious pay-o-la peddler in a black dress: Alameda County Superior Court Judge Frank Roesch who on December 31st 2009  ruled that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger "abused his discretion" with two executive orders, which placed more than 200,000 state employees on unpaid furloughs three days a month. Read the whole sad tale of payoffs

Judge Roesch seems to be in an alternate universe California companies are reeling from a crushing recession and is in the grips of a nearly 12% unemployment rate. Private companies are dropping employees faster than Judge Roesch is dropping his black dress for his corrupt union pay masters. The only question is will the voters tolerate paying crushing taxes so that bloated State payrolls and the forced union dues they supply never stop rolling in and buying the favors of politicians and judges?

California has some of the most corrupt judges in the nation but the voters have two extremely powerful weapons at their disposal: the ballot initiative and the ir votes. Voters should wield both with extreme vengeance in the races of 2010 for if they don't kangaroos like the shameless Alameda County Superior Court Judge Frank Roesch will complete their perfect vision of a California Tammany Hall.

Of course the debased Frank Roesch is no stranger to corruption or forcing his ravings on adults and children alike. Recently this Democrat Party hack ruled that parents can't excuse primary aged school children from forced sexual training. The Democratic Party used to have decent and honest members but there is no sign of them today. The Party is owned by wild eyed zealots and corruptocrats like Frank Roesch.

As an American voter you have a brief but critical window of time to make a profound statement and driver real change. As Boss Tweed used to say: "Vote early and vote often." But this November is a time like none other since the foundingof our nation and the California Republic. Take back our State from Tammany Hall, vote the bastards like Frank Roesch and his bosses out.

Call this hack and let him know how you feel about his kangaroo court:

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